Apply for your GradSuccess Refi Loan

From Tuition Options Referred by GradFin

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is my interest rate a fixed rate or can I change it later?
A: All rates are fixed and will not change for the life of the loan.

Q: Can I set up Auto Pay to draft more than my monthly payment amount?
A: Auto Pay will only draft your monthly payment amount; however, you are welcome to make additional payments at any time via phone, web, or by mail.

Q: Can my co-borrower be removed from the loan after a certain period of time?
A: Yes, you may apply to remove your co-borrower after making your first 24 consecutive payments on time. You must also meet certain eligibility requirements.

Q: Should I continue to make payments with my current lender?
A: All payments should continue to be made with the current lender until the payoff check is processed. Any overpayments on your prior loans may be sent directly to you or to us (Tuition Options), depending on your servicer. Overpayments sent to Tuition Options will be posted to your Refi Loan as a payment.

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